Our aluminum mesh curtains

Maillon.Création® mesh curtains are made of aluminum, exceptional curtains because of its many advantages. Apart from being a real barrier against flying insects (door curtain) but because of its long life, minimal maintenance and respect for the environment "to name only those there "but there are several others!.

Recyclable curtain
Aluminum recycles itself completely and to infinity, which makes it ecological. In addition, the recycling of aluminum is relatively simple and requires only 5% energy of the initial electrolysis production process. It is estimated that 75% of the aluminum produced since the discovery of the electrolysis process is still in circulation and reused or recycled. Its life cycle is an infinite loop ... Anodizing does not impose any constraints when it comes time to recycle. In addition, this process is the most "green" since it has virtually no adverse effect on the environment.

Resistant curtain
In this process we find a concrete example of close collaboration between science and nature. The anodic layer is neither more nor less than the natural oxidation of aluminum but in a controlled environment. The process for having good anodization is divided into several successive stages, each one being the result of the passage of the links in several basins. This natural passivation acts as a barrier between the atmosphere and aluminum, which protects aluminum alloys against corrosion. However, everything depends on the application and the technique that is behind it.

Durable curtain
Aluminum is very resistant to corrosion and thus makes it possible to produce curtains with minimal maintenance. However, it is important to properly select alloys and assembly methods to ensure maximum durability. Aluminum is very light because of its low density. Light does not mean fragile. This makes aluminum a natural choice in many circumstances. However, the extrusions must be made to be both strong and durable. It all depends on the technique that is at the origin. All the aluminum chain curtains are not equal .....
Anodized aluminum curtains (not plated)

But what is anodization?
In this process we find a concrete example of close collaboration between science and nature. The anodic layer is neither more nor less than the natural oxidation of aluminum but in a controlled environment. Like steel, aluminum naturally overlies with an oxide layer, protecting the aluminum and making it more tenacious. Generally used to improve the visual appearance of a part, anodizing allows to control the formation of the layer and its thickness, and thus to use it to protect the metal against corrosion. The anodic layer is transparent and it is possible to add color. Anodized aluminum has a uniform, clean and hard surface, while retaining its metallic appearance.